Trueform receives ‘InnovateUK’ Award!
Trueform are delighted to have been awarded an innovation grant by ‘Innovate UK’s Technology Strategy Board’.
Jonathan Morley, Chief Executive, Trueform Group, commented:- “This is a significant achievement. This grant was awarded to us in recognition of the industry leading products that Trueform have developed over the years and in recognition of Trueform’s historic ‘user centred design approach’ to product design. This, coupled with our market leading status puts us in a unique position to assist the Government bring these new innovations to life as real product solutions which will benefit ‘users’ of our towns and cities.
Design is given extensive attention at each stage at Trueform. User-centered design at Trueform can be characterized as a multi-stage problem-solving process that not only requires our designers to thoroughly analyse and envision the way users are likely to consume our product, but also to validate their assumptions with regard to the user behaviour in real world tests. For us to continue our market leading position, we must continue to innovate to differentiate ourselves from our competitors and to enable us to design our future and with sustainable growth. We are looking forward to working with InnovateUK”