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Elite Bus Shelter

Ref: 1A 003

The Elite shelter can be found in many major town and cities across the country and are instantly recognisable as being reliable and robust shelters for commuters while on their journeys. The Elite Shelter comes in a range of configurations and styles to suit not only the style of the city or town but also the location as the Elite Shelter can fit onto most city pavements.

The modern design offers passengers safety and protection from the elements, even in small spaces. The large glass screens also give passengers at the shelter an optimum range as they can see traffic appear from any direction. The shelter also boasts special ‘shock absorbing’ glazing retention system and vandal resistant materials.

Suiting most budgets, with its clever and simplistic design, the Elite Shelter offers value for money with its high-quality materials, building and installation.

Follow the link above to download our online brochure page and find out more about the Elite Shelter.


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