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Legible London Station Interchange Totems

3B 006.1.1

Getting your signage to stand out is key to helping the general public with wayfinding in your city. The Legible London project aims to make signposting easier and more understandable for those exploring on foot.

As part of the Legible London product family, Trueform has manufactured and installed Station Interchange Totems across London; with totems being positioned outside Paddington, Kensington, Bromley and Tower Hamlet stations as well as another 21 along the pier.

Standing at 4.175m high these London street signs are hard to miss making navigation on foot easier than ever before. Featuring illuminated versions of the TFL underground roundel and National Rail logo, pedestrians will know exactly which interchange they are currently at. The Station Interchange Totems also include illuminated map display and wayfinding information helping travellers to instantly recognise their surroundings. Trueform have incorporated geographical descriptions and unique commentary on the surrounding area.

Travelling through London has never been easier. Our innovative design, as well as expert manufacturing and installation process, makes wayfinding signage a modern development suitable for all towns and cities.



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